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Инструментальные кабели

Инструментальные кабели

Product Lines

Инструментальные кабели

Ernie Ball instrument cables feature a high-quality design made with superior components that are built to last. We currently offer a wide range of instrument cables including Classic, Braided, Coiled, Speaker, Microphone, Patch and Flat Ribbon Patch cables.

All of our cables feature dual-conductors that deliver reliably clear tone with crisp highs, tight mids, and rich harmonics. Multiple shielding materials preserve the signal with low handling noise, with various exterior materials that ensure long-lasting performance and tangle resistance.

If you’re looking to elevate your pedalboard, Ernie Ball Flat Ribbon Patch cables allow you to optimize your pedalboard layout without compromising performance. Their flat cable design and low-profile connectors allow you effortlessly bring together each of your pedals while maximizing space on your board. Available in 3”, 6”, 12”, and our all-in-one Pedalboard Multipack.

Once you’ve decided on which cable is best for you, head to our Store Locator to find a shop that carries Ernie Ball.